JBP Member ID : M0073 Regular Member

Meisei Electric Co., Ltd.

Meisei have been creating innovative products and services with its core technologies “Sensing & Communication” and thereby contributes to the development of a safe and secure society.

= Vision 2023 =
<Vision >
To become a global company that contributes to the monitoring, conservation, and utilization of the living, global, and space environments, with the aim of realizing more affluent lives for people around the world.
<Role in the IHI Group>
We will combine Meisei Electric's unique manufacturing capabilities with the IHI Group's wide-ranging businesses to create world-class products and services.
<The image of an employee>
Meisei Electric employees will always challenge to contribute to society and realize their dreams as professionals who take pride and respect each other.

In the weather disaster prevention field, we walk together with history of weather observation in Japan and have received high praises from our customers for providing radiosonde, AMeDAS and other meteorological observation equipment.
As the recent increase of the extreme weather phenomena as torrential rain, we newly launched weather information service named POTEKA. This service provides more accurate weather information with high dense and ultra-low cost through the cloud internet system aiming for more accurate weather forecast using its high density observation network.
In the earthquake disaster prevention field, we developed world’s first seismic intensity meter for real-time seismic observation network which is shown on TV, as in the volcano field, our telemeters are observing volcanos for 24 hours. Furthermore, we are developing a system for long period earthquake disaster.
We will contribute continuously to the resilient and sustainable society.

Industrial Classification / Corporate Specialty in the Classification

Manufacturing system for weather observation and disaster prevention, equipment of the space

Provideing systems for Weather and earthquake observing, correcting and processing

Bosai Speciality

Major Bosai Solutions

  • Weather observing and information providing service
  • Water / sea level observing system
  • Land slide observing system
  • Micro earthquake observing network system
  • Strong earthquake observing system
  • Volcano observing system

Resistered Solutions in JBP Bosai Solution Map

Corporate Profile

Meisei Electric Co., Ltd.

Toyosu IHI bldg. 10F, 3-1-1 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-8115, Japan

Tel. : +81-3-6204-8254

E-mail : product_engmeisei.co.jp

Website : http://www.meisei.co.jp/english/

Date of Establishment : 20th February, 1938

Capital : 450 million Japanese Yen

Numbers of Employees : 345 as of 31 March, 2021

Countries of Office Location :

Japan, Singapore

Last update: 21 April, 2022