What's JBP

An Association of Japanese Private Companies with Leading Bosai Solutions.
The Focal Point of DRR Technology in Japan.

Japan Bosai Platform, JBP is an association of Japanese private companies with leading bosai solutions. Our goal is to make society disaster resilient and sustainable by sharing Japanese bosai solutions with the world.
JBP’s strength lies in the cooperation and wide-ranging technologies of its more than 100 member companies and organizations. Unlike a private company, our neutrality enables us to respond rapidly with optimized solutions. We are helping countries around the world to invest before disasters to save lives and strengthen their economies.

Investment before disaster that save your community and economy

Public-Private-Academic Partnership
JBP is the focal point of disaster risk reduction (DRR) technology in Japan. We are founded on strong support from and collaboration with the Japanese government, academia and the private sector.

Variety of members
100+ members belonging to diverse industries

Bosai technologies are spread across many industries, meaning JBP is much more than an industry group. All member companies have two common strengths: “bosai” and “export”. JBP’ s 100+ members belong to diverse industries - from think tanks, engineering consultancies, construction, architectural, ICT, manufacturers of professional DRR equipment and hardware, manufacturers of DRR goods and home products, to GIS and remote sensing companies, and many more.
Bosai.” Born in Japan. Now global.
A holistic approach to saving lives and economy from disasters in Japanese.

Contribution to Sendai Framework & SDGs
We see achieving the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as core to our existence. Reciprocally, the Sendai Framework specifically validates our very being, and our policy and strategic direction – stating it is a key role of the private sector to reduce disaster risks through developing and disseminating appropriate DRR technologies, and through strengthening partnerships with various other sectors.