JBP Member ID : M0060 Regular Member
IDEA Consultants, Inc.
For the future of mankind and the earth
IDEA Consultants, Inc. has been making efforts to internally and consistently conduct planning, survey, analysis, predictive assessment, design, and countermeasure in the field of disaster mitigation, comfort, life solution, etc, based on the development of consulting business of infrastructure (river/coast, port, road/city/regional planning, and bridge) and environment (environmental impact assessment/monitoring, environmental planning/management, nature restoration/conservation, and environmental risk evaluation).
We contribute to disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness, response, recovery and restoration, and vulnerability reduction based on risk management principles, to minimize loss of life and economic damages. We support to developing disaster-resistant infrastructures and establishing effective forecasting and warning systems, risk management technologies, and information systems. Our accumulated experiences on weather and runoff forecasting technologies enable us to develop reliable forecasting and warning systems, which can credibly predict both rainfall and flood events, develop risk management plans, organize and facilitate training courses for capacity development, and build various information systems on disaster risk management.
We contribute to disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness, response, recovery and restoration, and vulnerability reduction based on risk management principles, to minimize loss of life and economic damages. We support to developing disaster-resistant infrastructures and establishing effective forecasting and warning systems, risk management technologies, and information systems. Our accumulated experiences on weather and runoff forecasting technologies enable us to develop reliable forecasting and warning systems, which can credibly predict both rainfall and flood events, develop risk management plans, organize and facilitate training courses for capacity development, and build various information systems on disaster risk management.
Industrial Classification / Corporate Specialty in the Classification
Integrated Consultancy on Infrastructure Development and Environmental Conservation
Providing Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction and Environmental ConservationBosai Speciality
Major Bosai Solutions
- Rainfall forecasting and warning systems using radar rain gauges
- Flood forecasting and warning systems in flood management
- Real-time flood analysis/forecasting system
- Flood hazard mapping and tsunami hazard mapping
- Video monitoring and recording systems
- Disaster information systems
- Disaster risk management planning
- Development of manuals on disaster preparedness and emergency response
- Planning and coordination of training and workshops on disaster prevention, preparedness and response
Corporate Profile
IDEA Consultants, Inc.
2-2-2 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref. 224-0025, Japan
Tel. : +81-45-593-7637
E-mail : kikaku-exideacon.co.jp
Website : https://ideacon.jp/en/
Date of Establishment : September 1968
Capital : 3,173 million Japanese Yen
Numbers of Employees : 958 as of December 2019
Countries of Office Location :
Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, the United Kingdom
Last update: 16 April, 2020