JBP Member ID : M0002 Regular Member

CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.

We have supported the growth of developing countries for more than 4 decades since 1975. We have enjoyed a good reputation and confidence from home and abroad for our successful achievement in providing a diversity of consulting services for infrastructure projects in the developing countries in Asia, Africa, Middle and South America and others. Our services cover all the stages from project finding and formulation to research/study, planning, designing, and construction supervision together with capacity development for the counterparts. We have engaged in the engineering sectors of water resources management, sewage and drainage, disaster management and others since our establishment, and nowadays our competitive engineering coverage has expanded to eight sectors including the road/bridge/traffic sector especially strengthened for this decade, and the energy sector newly deployed recently. In line with the growth of CTI Group, we, as multidiscipline ODA consultants, have been providing high-quality professional consulting services, striving for a goal to successfully deliver a wide range of projects.
Regarding BOSAI (Disaster Management), in consideration of natural conditions, socio-economic state and regional development programs in the target area, we put forward a proposal on countermeasures effective for disaster risk mitigation and management, including an appropriate allocation between the structural measures against natural disasters and the non-structural measures for damage determent and mitigation.

Industrial Classification / Corporate Specialty in the Classification

Consulting & Engineering

BOSAI (disaster management), river improvement and flood control, urban drainage, water resources management, sewerage, land transport, water quality management, solid waste management, riparian structure, dam structure, road structure, bridge structure, participatory approach to development, organizational and institutional strengthening, socio economic improvement, environmental assessment, etc.

Bosai Speciality

Major Bosai Solutions

  • Disaster Management Plan
  • Integrated Water Resources Management Plan
  • Comprehensive Flood Control Plan, Design and Supervision
  • Drought Management Plan, Design and Supervision
  • Plan, Design and Supervision of Countermeasure on Tsunami and Storm Surge
  • Road Disaster Management Plan, Design and Supervision
  • Plan, Design and Supervision of Countermeasure on Land Slide and Sediment Disaster
  • Risk Assessment & Hazard Mapping
  • Evacuation Drill and Preparation of Mnual
  • Study and Planning on Disaster Management ICT System

Resistered Solutions in JBP Bosai Solution Map

Corporate Profile

CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd.

Tachibana Annex Building, 2-25-14 Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136-0071, Japan

Tel. : +81-3-3638-2575

E-mail : eigyokikakuctii.co.jp

Website : http://www.ctii.co.jp/en

Date of Establishment : 1st April 1999

Capital : JPY 100 Million

Numbers of Employees : 157 (as of April 2019)

Countries of Office Location :

Philippines, Indonesia, Mongolia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Kyrgyz

Last update: 13 April, 2020