JBP Member ID : M0014 Executive Member

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (MRI) was founded in 1970. Since that time, the MRI Group has been working to solve issues faced by society and its customers by leveraging its strengths, such as its broad network with industry, government, and academia, its understanding of policies and systems, and its scientific expertise in cutting-edge technologies.
In our disaster and risk Management business field, we use data analysis technology and expertise to scientifically evaluate and analyze the effects of large-scale natural disasters expected in the future, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, windstorms, floods, and climate change effects. Based on this analysis, we formulate policies to prevent and mitigate damage, contribute to digital transformation (DX) in disaster management by demonstrating and implementing related technologies and information systems, provide consulting services for national, municipal, and corporate disaster prevention measures and BCP/BCM, and provide consulting services for crisis management for large-scale events.

Industrial Classification / Corporate Specialty in the Classification

Think Tank and Consulting Services, IT Services

Policy and Public Affairs, Enterprise Management, ITServices

Bosai Speciality

Major Bosai Solutions

  • Digital transformation (DX) in Disaster Management
  • Disaster Management/BCP Consulting
  • Event Security Consulting
  • Disaster Management Policy Research
  • Disaster and climate change simulation
  • Risk Data Utilization, Disaster Management Technology Demonstration

Resistered Solutions in JBP Bosai Solution Map

Corporate Profile

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

10-3, Nagatacho 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8141, Japan

Tel. : +81-3-5157-2111

E-mail : yumi_itomri.co.jp

Website : https://www.mri.co.jp/en/index.html

Date of Establishment : 8th May, 1970

Capital : 6.3 billion Japanese Yen

Numbers of Employees : 4,235 (Consolidated), 1,093 (Non-consolidated) as of September 30, 2022

Countries of Office Location :


Last update: 13 June, 2023