JBP Member ID : M0150 Regular Member
Gaia Vision Inc.
ClimateTech startup looking to the future and minimizing disaster damage

Gaia Vision, a ClimateTech startup originating from the University of Tokyo, is committed to helping businesses and local governments accurately assess climate change risks and implement appropriate measures to minimize disaster damage. To achieve this, we are developing a platform using cutting-edge climate data analysis, flood simulation technology, and Geographic Information System (GIS). Gaia Vision offers its services to various industries, including global manufacturing, consumer goods, infrastructure, finance, and local governments.
As part of our disaster prevention efforts, Gaia Vision has developed the flood risk analysis platform "Climate Vision". Using this platform, clients can analyze flood risks at locations worldwide and devise strategies that consider the future impacts of climate change. We also provide a feature that calculates potential damages, supporting businesses in implementing more effective risk reduction measures. In the future, Gaia Vision aims to develop an integrated risk analysis platform that addresses climate change risks beyond floods, such as storm surges, heatwaves and extreme heat. We also plan to release an application that provides flood inundation forecasts for several days ahead.
As part of our disaster prevention efforts, Gaia Vision has developed the flood risk analysis platform "Climate Vision". Using this platform, clients can analyze flood risks at locations worldwide and devise strategies that consider the future impacts of climate change. We also provide a feature that calculates potential damages, supporting businesses in implementing more effective risk reduction measures. In the future, Gaia Vision aims to develop an integrated risk analysis platform that addresses climate change risks beyond floods, such as storm surges, heatwaves and extreme heat. We also plan to release an application that provides flood inundation forecasts for several days ahead.
Industrial Classification / Corporate Specialty in the Classification
Software and risk management
Climate change and flood risk analysisBosai Speciality
Major Bosai Solutions
- Climate Change and Flood Risk Analysis Platform ("Climate Vision")
- Risk analysis consulting and information disclosure support
- Flood forecasting solutions
Resistered Solutions in JBP Bosai Solution Map
Corporate Profile
Gaia Vision Inc.
Minami Aoyama HY Building 7F, 6-3-7 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan
Tel. : +81-3-6861-2286
E-mail : infogaia-vision.co.jp
Date of Establishment : 6th September, 2021
Countries of Office Location :
Tokyo, Japan
Last update: 08 November, 2023